
Showing posts from March, 2018

Yahura System Review

The Yahura System Review  The Yahura System looks at how human behavior and emotion directly affects prices. Price movement is good for people making shorter term investments. Even prices going down represent opportunity because it means investors have an opportunity to buy digital currencies at significantly lower than normal 'bargain basement' prices.  When many people that are inexperienced with investing generally, and especially with digital currencies see a week of slowing falling prices they may feel nervous about buying.  This is a normal human emotion.   Add caption Fear can be driven by lots of things. For digital currencies fear and negative sentiment is often driven by over reactions to news items and poor reporting. Its great to take advantage of these rather than grumbling about the journalists lack of credibility or poor reporting.  If you take the time to study price charts for lots of traded commodities such as Stocks , Currency or digita

Yahura System Review - being a contrarian investor means having going against the grain

Yahura System Review - Bitcoin Euro price mid march 2018 With the Yahura System its been interesting to see the price of Bitcoin come flying down over the last few weeks. For most people this would be cause to panic and sell their positions for a loss, But we have been learning to hold fire, trust the analysis we have done and in fact in some cases buy MORE at these lower prices. One of the aspects of the online course  with the Yahura System is to be a seller when people are buying and a buyer when people are selling.  Let me give you an example. Rolls Royce shares and the Yahura System Review  Imagine you wanted to invest in shares in Rolls Royce. You know they are a quality company and will be around for some time and the share price reflects that. So when is the best time to buy shares ? The answer is after a price dip.  Rolls Royce make aircraft engines so occasionally when an airliner is lost or crashes you can sometimes see a few percent dip in value on Rolls Ro

Yahura System Review - Is it really possible to make money on digital currencies ?

The Yahura System has well known investor John Piper at the helm. As well as the home study online course for investing and making nuclear returns in Digital Currencies there is also the chance to meet him in person in the next few months. Although John is based in Surrey he prefers the warmer weather these days so he spends the majority of his time either at his villa in Spain or sailing around the Mediterranean. However, his great passion is  making money from the markets and helping other people to do the same  but because he doesn't want to be perceived as a 'faceless' person hiding behind an anonymous website ... ... he's also willing to come to the UK and spend time  personally  with anybody who feels that this is the best way to learn from him. The thing is, although some people are very happy with online training alone, he's aware that others prefer a more  'hands on' approach , so if live, face-to-face training is something that you