Yahura System Review - being a contrarian investor means having going against the grain

Yahura System Review
Yahura System Review - Bitcoin Euro price mid march 2018

With the Yahura System its been interesting to see the price of Bitcoin come flying down over the last few weeks. For most people this would be cause to panic and sell their positions for a loss, But we have been learning to hold fire, trust the analysis we have done and in fact in some cases buy MORE at these lower prices.

One of the aspects of the online course  with the Yahura System is to be a seller when people are buying and a buyer when people are selling.  Let me give you an example.

yahura system review
Rolls Royce shares and the Yahura System Review 

Imagine you wanted to invest in shares in Rolls Royce. You know they are a quality company and will be around for some time and the share price reflects that. So when is the best time to buy shares ? The answer is after a price dip.  Rolls Royce make aircraft engines so occasionally when an airliner is lost or crashes you can sometimes see a few percent dip in value on Rolls Royce caused by fear that the market is worried that the engines might be involved in the crash. As a contrarian investor this partial and unfair dip is the bargain opportunity to buy the stock at a discount price. You often find the price returns to where to where it was shortly after.  Where the general public or 'retail' investors see fear you often find the smart Institutional investors see opportunity. 

You can learn more about contrarian investing here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contrarian_investing

The same applies to digital currency . They are driven far harder by greed and fear in both directions. Scandals, deaths , kidnappings , hacks , governments trying to ban or regulate them all cause panic sells.  All of these panic sells over react and actually represent a superb opportunity to buy. In fact the Yahura System teaches you ( and me ) how to read price charts so that you can see the price points where large brave and smart Institutions are buying when all around are selling.  We call these areas 'Support and Resistance' lines. 

yahura system review
Yahura System Review Contrarian Investors go against the grain 

There is a very strong support and resistance line around the 6000 euro mark and no matter how hard the prices falls it rarely passes past that amount. The Yahura System teaches us how to find lots of these 'support and resistance' lines and use them as informed buying prices to aim for. 

yahura system review
Yahura System Review 

You can find out more about what I'm up to on the Yahura System Review website here www.yahura.timlowe.com


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