John Piper and The Yahura System - Open to the Public Oct 2018

The Yahura System is finally launching in Oct 2018.

The online home study  course will launch with 10 complete trading 'modules' that are available the moment you sign up. The course comes with a weekly webinar from John Piper as well as a large number of supporting videos.

For those who are 'time poor' the fast-track section shows you exactly how to open a bitcoin broker account and immediate act on John Pipes regular alert emails for his hot 'buys'. John is looking for coins to move by 300% or more in price based on his selections. 

Those signing up also get access to the identity of his 'mystery coin'. This is a coin that is still valued at less than a cent per coin but John feels has the single greatest chance of collosal growth over the next year.

The course is broken up into 10 modules, with each module broken up into 5 or 6 sections by topic so you can learn at a pace and style that suits you. Each topic should take about 20 mins and leave you confident in that area. 

John started his journey with 4k and turned this into 38k in less than a year. 

Find out more and join the community here 

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