
Showing posts from December, 2018

Yahura System - What makes this Opportunity PERFECT for YOU

Since I launched my Yahura System a couple of weeks ago, the most common question, as you might expect is - how quickly can I make money? Well, the digital currency markets are quite volatile so it's certainly possible to make fantastic gains very quickly. For instance  ... e xactly one week after we launched this incredible system, we presented our first webinar and alerted people to invest in a particular 'altcoin'.  Just 5 days later, that coin has gained 70% in value. In other words, anybody investing £1,000 has already made £700 ... not a bad return for 5 days!! However, the big opportunity is not to cash in all of these profits immediately but to hold some of them and reinvest. While everything you’ll read on the  special private webpage  is based on starting with around £1,000 - you can start with as little or as much as you want. You don’t need to be some sort of financial ‘whizz’ to do this either … as long as you're prepared to take a litt

Yahura System - It sounds simple because it is

By now, I’m sure that you can see exactly why the Yahura System is probably the best opportunity in three hundred years for 'the ordinary man in the street' to make MILLIONS. You've  seen that this goes way beyond ‘just’ Bitcoin and that being able to tap into the incredible knowledge of somebody like John Piper opens up a world of potentially massive gains from the ‘alternative’   digital currencies (altcoins) which are being sold for pennies today (... and often less) and are literally like proverbial gold-dust just lying there waiting to be swept up ... These factors alone mean that even  first-time  digital currency investors now have a 'once-in-a-lifetime' opportunity to make a proper life-changing income, all from what could be a very little starting investment. I know this all sounds very simple Dickface,  but that’s because it is… John’s methods are just so exciting because he's developed a very simple, clear and reliable system that lit

The Yahura System - Ticks all the boxes ... are you in ?

The checklist for getting involved with something like the Yahura system is bound to be a little longer for some than others … for some, the prospect of finally building some genuine wealth using a proven strategy is an immediate ‘no-brainer’ … for others there are just a couple of extra boxes that might need ticking…   The Yahura system is just so simple … if you can 'point and click' a mouse on a computer you can do this ... there are absolutely NO technical or special skills needed.    Once you get involved you'll get absolutely everything you could possibly need from John Piper, someone who is passionate about doing this and genuinely LOVES it.   You’ll never have to ‘take a punt’ on what makes the biggest profits… John will be telling you what he's getting in on himself so you can copy everything he does!   You can genuinely do this from anywhere in the world as long as you have a mobile smartphone, computer, laptop, iPad or Mac and can get an internet connec

Yahura System - The NASDAQ is planning a Bitcoin Futures Market

Further proof that you NEED to get in on this RIGHT NOW... The recent news that NASDAQ is planning a Bitcoin futures market early next year underlines the fact that digital currencies are now firmly embedded into the way that the worlds biggest economies operate every single day. Yahura System NASDAQ This brand new NASDAQ market was to be ‘live’ much sooner, but has been delayed – not, as some might think because of the recent drop in the price of Bitcoin – but because it needs to build an infrastructure big enough to cope with the demand. Why is this so important?  - Well, for a start, NASDAQ would not allocate a large portion of its resources to develop an infrastructure for something like this unless it is certain that the demand for it will grow massively. We also know that the more popular and widely used a digital currency is – the more it gains in value. Now add into that equation the fact that Ohio is set to become the first US State to  let