Yahura System - The NASDAQ is planning a Bitcoin Futures Market

Further proof that you NEED to get in on this RIGHT NOW...

The recent news that NASDAQ is planning a Bitcoin futures market early next year underlines the fact that digital currencies are now firmly embedded into the way that the worlds biggest economies operate every single day.

Yahura System NASDAQ
Yahura System NASDAQ

This brand new NASDAQ market was to be ‘live’ much sooner, but has been delayed – not, as some might think because of the recent drop in the price of Bitcoin – but because it needs to build an infrastructure big enough to cope with the demand.

Why is this so important?  - Well, for a start, NASDAQ would not allocate a large portion of its resources to develop an infrastructure for something like this unless it is certain that the demand for it will grow massively.

We also know that the more popular and widely used a digital currency is – the more it gains in value. Now add into that equation the fact that Ohio is set to become the first US State to let businesses pay their taxes using Bitcoin and you can see where this is going, and how big it’s going to get.

So, if the ‘smart money’ is in on this – why aren't you? If digital currencies are now being taken seriously by the likes of Marks & Spencer, Nike, Costa, Tesco and B&Q (to name a few) and companies like ... Dell & Microsoft have already integrated digital currencies into their businesses … isn't it about time you got your ‘piece of the action’  too?

Yahura System Bitcoin Microsoft
Yahura System and Bitcoin Microsoft

You can visit the special private webpage right now to see exactly what investing in the right digital currencies can do for your financial future. You’ll need the password I sent you in the post (if you haven't got one – you can request yours here) and you’ll even be able to watch a short video showing you exactly how easy it all is … click here now

The Yahura System unlocks the world of digital currencies for you and Financial expert John Piper will ‘hold your hand’ and walk you through absolutely everything right from scratch. Not only that, John will alert you to his every move in the digital currency markets, so you can copy him and reap the same rewards. 

You can get started literally within the next hour and discover how you can turn £1,000 into an estimated £1,000,000 over the next three years without hardly lifting a finger. Getting in on this now could easily be even bigger than investing in Apple, Google, eBay or Amazon before anyone had ever really heard of them ... so don’t miss out on this … click here now

The decision to get involved with the Yahura System and unlock the incredible profit potential of the digital currency markets should be a ‘no-brainer, simply because with John Piper onboard - you'll have someone who 'actually does it' helping you personally … and FINALLY you can be certain that here's something that WILL work for you …  click here now 


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